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**--full version _BlueSoleil_6.4.275.0.zipkeygen(vermoedelijk te gebruiken zoals hieronder beschreven) testen doe je zelf natuurlijk------dit is een werkende (v6.4.249)64bit -EMBRACE.rar32bit -EMBRACE.rarINSTRUCTIONS.heres a quick howto1. install Bluesoleil and reboot1a. connect dongle and turn on software from the taskbar should be BLUE with WHITE bluetooth symbol2. run activatontool3. run the keygen4. click generate5. copy serial into activationtool serial window6. click Get activation information and wait7. copy all the activation information into the keygen activation url (note: you may need to scroll down aswell.8. click on generate in the keygen9. copy the activation code from keygen into Activationtool UNLOCK window and click on activate Bluesoleil10 It should come up telling you its activated.11. turn off bluetooth and turn it back on and then check the about window, you should also see that the activate is now ghosted if its activated.
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