This change affects users of the mysqldump command, which accesses tablespace information in the FILES table, and thus now requires the PROCESS privilege as well. Users who do not need to dump tablespace information can work around this requirement by invoking mysqldump with the --no-tablespaces option. (Bug #30350829)
Gi i Thi u M t S Storage Engine C a Mysql
Granting the PROCESS privilege for the user is perhaps the simplest option for fixing the mysqldump process privilege error. Keep in mind that this option presents security issues. You should therefore really only use this option for your own local development server installation.
mysqldump accesses tablespace information in the FILES table. Prior to MySQL 5.7.31 and 8.0.21, your user could run mysqldump without the PROCESS privilege. However, users running mysqldump after the update need PROCESS privileges to access the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table. Running mysqldump without PROCESS privilege ends up giving you an Access denied error.
In this page, we generally refer to the permissions as READER, WRITER,and OWNER, which are how they are specified in the JSON API and theGoogle Cloud console. If you are using the XML API, the equivalentpermissions are READ, WRITE, and FULL_CONTROL, respectively. And, whenyou use OAuth 2.0 authentication to authenticate tools and applications(grant permission to them) to access Google Cloud Storage APIon your behalf, access is restricted by OAuth scope devstorage.read_only,devstorage.read_write, and devstorage.full_control. The following tablesummarizes the permissions terminology you commonly encounter: