Ibn Jurayj's collection of traditions, reportedly titled Kitab al-Sunan, is credited with pioneering the standard structure of fiqh works and beginning the musannaf genre. His student Abd al-Razzaq ibn Hammam claimed he was the first to arrange traditions in subject order, dividing them into chapters named 'books'. Ibn al-Nadim, who was familiar with the work, stated it was similar in form to later works of sunan - containing, for example, a chapter (kitāb) on salah followed by a chapter on zakat.[2][7]
Musannaf Ibn Jurayj Pdf Download
Hadith transmitted by Ibn Jurayj are present in all six of the canonical Sunni hadith collections.[10] During his stay in Yemen, Ibn Jurayj's lectures were attended by ʽAbd al-Razzaq al-Sanʽani, who included 5,000 of the traditions taught in his musannaf.[11]
Ibn Jurayj's status as a hadith transmitter was viewed positively by his student Yahya ibn Sa'id al-Qattani, although he cast doubt on those traditions which had been transmitted from memory and where an informant had been concealed (tadlis). The evaluation of Ibn Jurayj being a trustworthy transmitter when not practicing tadlis was also shared by later hadith critics, including Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Yahya ibn Maʻin and Ali ibn al-Madini.[2] More recently, Motzki assessed Ibn Jurayj's material in ʽAbd al-Razzaq al-Sanʽani's musannaf, concluding he did not forge the traditions he transmitted.[11]
97 Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri 95 [55] More than 120 Muslim leaders Commit to the Future of Afghanistan during International Conference in Turkey ( networkedblogs. com/ r2c4q) [56] Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri speaks at an international conference on 'Peaceful Future in Afghanistan' ( www. minhaj. org/ english/ tid/ 15468/ Dr-Muhammad-Tahir-ul-Qadri-speaks-at-an-international-conference-on-Peaceful-Future-in-Afghanistan. htm) [57] Coming: Pak Islamic scholar who pulls no punches against terror ( www. expressindia. com/ latest-news/ coming-pak-islamic-scholar-who-pulls-no-punches-against-terror/ / ) [58] Qadri given honour in India ( www. nation. com. pk/ pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/ lahore/ 28-Feb-2012/ qadri-given-honour-in-india) [59] Pakistani scholar thanks Modi for security ( articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com/ / vadodara/ _1_gujarat-godhra-riots-communal-riots) [60] Terrorism has no place in Islam: Sufi scholar ( www. indianexpress. com/ news/ terrorism-has-no-place-in-islam-sufi-scholar/ / ) [61] Pakistani scholar thanks Modi for security ( articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com/ / vadodara/ _1_gujarat-godhra-riots-communal-riots) [62] Islam a Religion of Human Rights: Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri ( www. newageislam. com/ islamic-world-news/ new-age-islam-news-bureau/ islam-a-religion-of-human-rights--shaykh-ul-islam-dr-muhammad-tahir-ul-qadri/ d/ 6784) [63] Pak scholar debunks Islamic stereotypes ( www. bangaloremirror. com/ index. aspx?page=article& sectid=10& contentid= fb6744ea) [64] Stay away from communal clashes in future: Pak Islamic scholar ( ibnlive. in. com/ generalnewsfeed/ news/ stay-away-from-communal-clashes-in-future-pak-islamic-scholar/ html) [65] Pak scholar to speak on Sufism in dargah ( timesofindia. indiatimes. com/ city/ jaipur/ Pak-scholar-to-speak-on-Sufism-in-dargah/ articleshow/ cms) [66] Adequate security in place for Pak prof s programme: State ( www. minhaj. org/ english/ oid/ 16375/ Adequate-security-in-place-for-Pak-profs-programme-State. html) [67] Fatwa on Terrorism by Tahir-ul-Qadri Page 41 ( www. scribd. com/ doc/ / Fatwa-on-Terrorism-by-Dr-Muhammad-Tahir-ul-Qadri) [68] Prominent Muslim Cleric Denounces bin Laden ( www. newsmax. com/ archives/ articles/ 2001/ 10/ 17/ shtml) [69] Ridgwell, Henry ( ). "Muslim group holds 'anti-terrorism' summer camp" ( www. guardian. co. uk/ world/ 2010/ aug/ 08/ muslim-anti-terrorism-camp). Guardian News and Media.. [70] "Anti-Terrorism Summer Camp Held In Britain" ( www1. voanews. com/ english/ news/ europe/ Anti-Terrorism-Summer-Camp-Held-In-Britain html). VOAnews. Voice of America [71] Muslim Camp draws teens to Combat extremism ( www. reuters. com/ article/ lifestylemolt/ idustre5792al ) [72] In Pakistan, anguish and questions ( www. washingtonpost. com/ wp-dyn/ content/ article/ 2009/ 12/ 05/ AR html), The Washington Post, [73] Fatwa on suicide and on praying for one who has committed suicide ( islamqa. com/ en/ ref/ 70363/ suicide) [74] Division of Abodes ( www. minhaj. org/ english/ tid/ 13819/ Jihad-Perception--Reality. html) [75] Qadri divides the World into five categories ( www. commongroundnews. org/ article. php?id=27725& lan=en& sid=1& sp=0& isnew=1) [76] Dar al-harb (Abode of war) & Dar al-islam (Abode of Islam) ( www. islamicreviver. com/ 1720/ dar-al-harb-house-of-war-dar-al-islam-house-of-islam) [77] Anti-Terrorism Summer Camp Held In Britain ( www1. voanews. com/ english/ news/ europe/ Anti-Terrorism-Summer-Camp-Held-In-Britain html) [78] A call to prevent a clash of civilizations by Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri ( world. mediamonitors. net/ content/ view/ full/ 27484) [79] ( www. minhaj. org/ english/ tid/ 3182/ A-New-Trend-in-Protest. html) [80] ( www. youtube. com/ watch?v=n2hspiq-590) [81] Top Islamic scholar issues 'absolute' fatwa against terror ( www. nationalpost. com/ news/ story. html?id= ) [82] Al-Azhar University Certification ( www. yanabi. com/ index. php?/ topic/ drtahir-ul-qadris-histroic-fatwa-cetrtification-from-by-al-azhar-university) [83] Al-Azhar University Certification ( www. minhajpublications. com/?p=33) [84] ( www. minhajbooks. com/ english/ bookid/ 376/ Fatwa-Suicide-Bombing-and-Terrorism-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam-Dr-Muhammad-Tahir-ul-Qadri. html) [85] Archbishop of Canterbury joins 'Koran burning' critics ( www. bbc. co. uk/ news/ uk ) [86] Quran burning legacy would have lasted generations ( edition. cnn. com/ 2010/ OPINION/ 09/ 09/ qadri. quran/ index. html) [87] Islam and Politics ( www. mediamonitors. net/ qadri2. html) [88] The Constitution of Madina ( www. minhajbooks. com/ english/ bookid/ 194/ The-Constitution-of-Madina-(A-detailed-exposition-of-the-first-ever-written-constitution-in-human-history). html) [89] Manifesto of Pakistan Awami Tehreek ( pat. com. pk/ download/ PAT_Manifesto_en. pdf) [90] Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqa-e-Jafria ( www. tnfj. org/ )
Abd al-Razzaq was born in 126 AH/744 CE to a father who was a hadith scholar. He was a mawla of the Banu Himyar, hence his nisba al-Himyari. At the age of 20, he began his studies in Sanaa where he was a student of Ma'mar ibn Rashid for eight years, also learning under Ibn Jurayj, Sufyan ibn ʽUyaynah and Sufyan al-Thawri. In pursuit of hadith, Abd al-Razzaq journeyed to the Hejaz, Syria and Iraq; when attending the lectures of scholars to learn hadith through audition, he would reportedly bring several stationers with him to assist in recording them. In the latter half of the second Hijri century, he compiled his own musannaf, consisting mostly of traditions transmitted by his teachers. He would also teach hadith himself; among those who transmitted from him are Yaḥya ibn Maʻin, Ali ibn al-Madini and Ahmad ibn Hanbal. He died in mid-Shawwal 211 AH/early January 827 CE.[1][2][3][4] 2ff7e9595c